Glory Praise Emmanuel
2 min readOct 29, 2020
Designed by @emmaglorypraise

What an October!

This has been the most emotional month for me in my entire life as a young Nigerian girl living in Nigeria. I have gone from being super proud of my generation to shock to tears to pain, to fear and uncertainty, to amusement, and more shock, then hope. This country has a way of giving us something to talk about every day.

I have picked up a few lessons from the previous happenings in the country:

1. The one that stands out the most is that greed, illiteracy, and poverty are a very horrible combination. This explains why the country has been like this even after so many years of Independence. The fault is not just on the leaders, an average/regular Nigerian has a combination of or at least one of the aforementioned.

My free 2 cent advice: Wake up! Snap out of the misery of self-pity and hopelessness and work on yourself. Nigeria won’t change by itself…if the majority of the people of Nigeria remain the same with the same old mentality…they won’t be able to handle positive change and growth.

Work on yourself, get educated(not necessarily by the formal educational system). Get out of poverty and help as many people around you to do the same.

2.Get informed about politics, the electoral processes, and the Constitution. Get politically educated and get your PVC(Permanent Voters Card) ready. We have seen that there is power in unity. 2023 we decide✊!

3.Another lesson that stood out is that we don’t have as much time as we think, anything can happen at any time. Hold God tight(Only Jesus can give hope and peace in this troubled world) I can’t imagine suffering here on earth and in eternity(Tufiakwa).

Live in the moment - love, live and give. There should be no regret at the end of the day. Follow peace with all men while being unapologetic about being YOU. There is no time to copy someone else or “fake it till you make it”. Spend time with those you love. In summary…make every second count!

4. While we expect a new Nigeria, be the ideal Nigerian you want to see in Nigeria…it starts from the little things like honesty, empathy, integrity, fairness, equality, oneness, taking responsibility, etc. If the people going about destroying the properties of others had empathy. I don’t think they would be doing that.

I look forward to a Nigeria were traveling out of the country would be an option, not a necessity, where there will be quality health facilities, a world standard educational system, a booming economy, and all that good stuff.

2020 has been quite a year already.

I have resuming coding again, this time with more clarity and vigor.

See you at the top 🍸



Glory Praise Emmanuel

Glory Praise is a front-end web developer based in Nigeria. She writes about tech(https://glorypraise.hashnode.dev/) and life.